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Article Resources

By NWCT Arts Council July 2, 2024
In Northwest Connecticut, safeguarding the right to public art is essential not only for preserving cultural heritage but also for fostering creativity and community engagement.
By Katherine Pelletier January 23, 2023
Torrington Microgrants - Grants for Arts Projects in Torrington
By Ella Frauenhofer January 5, 2023
Looking to explore your creativity or develop new art skills in 2023? Check out these NWCT adult art classes!
By Katherine Pelletier December 13, 2022
NWCT Arts Council announces recipients of NEA ARP Subgrant programs: Creative Partnerships Grants and Access Grants.
By Ella Frauenhofer January 4, 2022
Looking to pick up new art skills in 2022 or improve your existing ones? These sixteen artists and organization offer adult art classes in Northwest Connecticut that are sure to get your creativity flowing.
By Maddie Stenson December 30, 2021
Do you have events happening in our region? Submit them to our online calendar to be promoted to the network of local events calendars!
By Ella Frauenhofer July 29, 2021
Unless they were gifted with unusual foresight, the people who first came together to create a library in Torrington, Connecticut probably did not envision where their project would be today. More than a century and a half since its founding, the Torrington Library is now located at 12 Daycoeton Place. It offers a wide variety of services to local residents, with both physical and virtual circulating collections, a wealth of historical documents, and programming for both children and adults. In recent years, the library has seen extensive change, from its 2016 renovation to more recent adaptations made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. When the library was first founded in 1864, none of these resources, including the library building itself, existed. Nevertheless, the community came together in support of a local library. Many decisions made then continue to impact how the library operates today.
By NWCT Arts Council May 18, 2021
Introduction to Photoshop Worksh op
By Alyssa Archambault May 14, 2021
How to Set Up an Online Store with Etsy!
By Ysanne Marshall April 13, 2021
A4A Webinar: Level Up Your Virtual Presence
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