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Thank you to all our supporters
Investing in the arts benefits all of us.
We could not accomplish our goals without the support, enthusiasm, and involvement of our partners.
List of Services
Adena Siegel and Steve Soklin
Adena Siegel and Steve Soklin
Alibaba Awrang
Alibaba Awrang
Alicia Mordenti
Alicia Mordenti
Allan and Maria Borghesi
Allan and Maria Borghesi
Allison Mitchell
Allison Mitchell
Andrew Flatt and Richard Lorenti
Andrew Flatt and Richard Lorenti
Andy and Debra Fechter
Andy and Debra Fechter
Ann and Tom Bott
Ann and Tom Bott
Ash Royer
Ash Royer
Ashley Rowe
Ashley Rowe
Barbara and Peter Talbot
Barbara and Peter Talbot
Barbara Fraser
Barbara Fraser
Beth and Franz Schober
Beth and Franz Schober
Bethany Frasco
Bethany Frasco
Blackbaud Giving Foundation
Blackbaud Giving Foundation
Blackbaud Giving Foundation
Blackbaud Giving Foundation
Brian Boye
Brian Boye
Brian Burr
Brian Burr
Bruce Barry
Bruce Barry
Carie Hodel
Carie Hodel
Carol Camper and John Hartje
Carol Camper and John Hartje
Carole Gibney
Carole Gibney
Carolyn and Robert Mattoon
Carolyn and Robert Mattoon
Cedric Gairard
Cedric Gairard
Chris Beyus
Chris Beyus
Christian Crowley
Christian Crowley
Christian Jensen
Christian Jensen
Christy Tellier
Christy Tellier
Corky & John Lavieri
Corky & John Lavieri
Cynthia K Gorman
Cynthia K Gorman
Cynthia Walsh
Cynthia Walsh
Dan and Sarah Hincks
Dan and Sarah Hincks
Daniel Santorso
Daniel Santorso
Daniel Santorso
Daniel Santorso
DaSilva Wata
DaSilva Wata
David Skora
David Skora
Dawn Fiddler
Dawn Fiddler
Diane Mullee
Diane Mullee
Donald and Joan Gordon
Donald and Joan Gordon
Eileen Cooper
Eileen Cooper
Eileen Marriott
Eileen Marriott
Ella Frauenhofer
Ella Frauenhofer
Eric & Renee Hammer
Eric & Renee Hammer
Eric Heimbold
Eric Heimbold
Erica and Hector Prudhomme
Erica and Hector Prudhomme
Eva Villanova
Eva Villanova
Evan and Jennifer Cadoff
Evan and Jennifer Cadoff
Evan Dobos
Evan Dobos
Florence and Roger Liddell
Florence and Roger Liddell
Fran and Michael Keilty
Fran and Michael Keilty
Frank Treglia
Frank Treglia
Gail Walker
Gail Walker
George Seabourne
George Seabourne
Griffin Rapsilber
Griffin Rapsilber
Heather Forstmann
Heather Forstmann
Hope Childs
Hope Childs
Hotchkiss School Ceramics Club & St. Luke's Society
Hotchkiss School Ceramics Club & St. Luke's Society
James and Donna DiMartino
James and Donna DiMartino
James Kaniewski
James Kaniewski
Jane Gruson
Jane Gruson
Jane Strong and John Brett
Jane Strong and John Brett
Janet Andre Block
Janet Andre Block
Janet Hooper
Janet Hooper
Jaye Markwell
Jaye Markwell
Jayson Roberts
Jayson Roberts
Jeremy and Matthew Ruman
Jeremy and Matthew Ruman
Jill Scholsohn
Jill Scholsohn
Joann M Ryan
Joann M Ryan
JoAnne Torti
JoAnne Torti
John Bongiorno
John Bongiorno
John Kane and Wendy Carlson
John Kane and Wendy Carlson
John Liu and Barbara Page
John Liu and Barbara Page
Jonathan Jacobson
Jonathan Jacobson
Joy Brown
Joy Brown
Judith Auchincloss
Judith Auchincloss
Judith McElhone
Judith McElhone
Judith McElhone
Judith McElhone
Kate MacKinney
Kate MacKinney
Kate Stiassni and Ned Nunes
Kate Stiassni and Ned Nunes
Kathi Weinstein
Kathi Weinstein
Kathleen and Aaron Borkowski
Kathleen and Aaron Borkowski
Kathleen Brigham
Kathleen Brigham
Kathleen Fuhr
Kathleen Fuhr
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen Peck
Kathleen Peck
Kennedy Cogan
Kennedy Cogan
Kenton Madia
Kenton Madia
Kristin Burr
Kristin Burr
Laura Mathews
Laura Mathews
Lazlo Gyorsok
Lazlo Gyorsok
Ledlie and Roxana Laughlin
Ledlie and Roxana Laughlin
Les and Lynn Goldman
Les and Lynn Goldman
Les and Sara Bluestone
Les and Sara Bluestone
Levi Reynolds
Levi Reynolds
Lia DeFranco
Lia DeFranco
Lindsey Turner
Lindsey Turner
Lisa Sheehan
Lisa Sheehan
Liz and Larry Dexheimer
Liz and Larry Dexheimer
Lloyd Baroody and Zeina Mehio
Lloyd Baroody and Zeina Mehio
Lori Barker
Lori Barker
Louise Van Alstyne
Louise Van Alstyne
Marge Smith
Marge Smith
Maria Coutant
Maria Coutant
Martin Connor
Martin Connor
Mary Ann Poinelli
Mary Ann Poinelli
Mary Close and Philip Oppenheimer
Mary Close and Philip Oppenheimer
Mary Guilfoile
Mary Guilfoile
Mary Guilfoile
Mary Guilfoile
Matthew Karpas and Emily Dalton
Matthew Karpas and Emily Dalton
McAdory Lipscomb
McAdory Lipscomb
Mehdi Ali
Mehdi Ali
Michael Burr
Michael Burr
Michael Chelminski
Michael Chelminski
Michael Harney
Michael Harney
Missy Stevens
Missy Stevens
Molly Hogan
Molly Hogan
Molly Smithsimon
Molly Smithsimon
Nicholas Solley
Nicholas Solley
Noel Croce
Noel Croce
Paula and Humphry Rolleston
Paula and Humphry Rolleston
Pels Matthews
Pels Matthews
Peter Cusack
Peter Cusack
Raymond Learsy
Raymond Learsy
Renée Jaworski
Renée Jaworski
Richard Dagenais
Richard Dagenais
Robert and Priscilla Marshall
Robert and Priscilla Marshall
Robert Kipniss and Laurie Lisle
Robert Kipniss and Laurie Lisle
Robert Pelletier
Robert Pelletier
Roger McKee
Roger McKee
Sam Posey and Ellen Griesedieck
Sam Posey and Ellen Griesedieck
Sara Conklin
Sara Conklin
Sarah M Ryor
Sarah M Ryor
Saranda Kalaveshi Coleman
Saranda Kalaveshi Coleman
Sergei and Zoe Fedorjaczenko
Sergei and Zoe Fedorjaczenko
Shawn Matel
Shawn Matel
Sheryl Leach and Howard Rosenfeld
Sheryl Leach and Howard Rosenfeld
Sierra Tillman
Sierra Tillman
Steph Burr
Steph Burr
Stephen Gass & Howard Sacarob
Stephen Gass & Howard Sacarob
Stephen Gass & Howard Sacarob
Stephen Gass & Howard Sacarob
Steve Pener
Steve Pener
Steven Soklin
Steven Soklin
Stewart Wilson
Stewart Wilson
Sunday & Stephen Fisher
Sunday & Stephen Fisher
Susan Brown
Susan Brown
Susan Horn
Susan Horn
Suzan Scott
Suzan Scott
Tamara Christensen
Tamara Christensen
Terri Ruot
Terri Ruot
Thomasina and Steven Levy
Thomasina and Steven Levy
Tim Prentice
Tim Prentice
Timothy and Lynne Bobroske
Timothy and Lynne Bobroske
Turi Rostad
Turi Rostad
Tyler Grill
Tyler Grill
Victor and MaryPat Leger
Victor and MaryPat Leger
Victor and MaryPat Leger
Victor and MaryPat Leger
Vincent Rubino
Vincent Rubino
Vita Muir
Vita Muir
Wady Guadalupe
Wady Guadalupe
Thank you!
Thank you to Our Supporting Partners
(860) 618-0075
40 Main Street, #1
Torrington, CT 06790
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