Resiliency: Virtual Community Exhibit
May 22, 2020 - July 24, 2020
In spite of fear, panic and grief from the pandemic coronavirus, there is a light of hope that shines. For the first time in my life, I am seeing a world unity. Everyone is involved worldwide. We are all "one". We are all involved in the welfare of every person on this planet. For the first time the chance is being given to us to love and care for and appreciate one another, to look after each other. Our lives have stopped. We are taking a deep breath and will now be able to see the values we have lost sight of. This is not a coincidence. This is our only chance to stop the heat, the killings and the terror attacks.
In a world that has deteriorated the sense of urgency is strong. This is our chance. The responsibility rests with each one of us.
- Dorothyann Safalow
Go placidly amid the silence and stillness, and remember what peace there may be in solitude. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with your online virtual community. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, but also listen to your family and friends, even the anxious and discouraged; they too have their stories.
Avoid reckless and uncaring persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you congregate with others, you may become sick and die, for there will always be people more unhealthy and unhygienic than yourself.
Remain safe in your own home, however long it takes; it is a real positive step in the ongoing virulence of Covid-19.
Exercise caution in your every day activities, for the virus is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what progress there is; many people strive for well-being, and everywhere life is full of hope.
Pace yourself. Especially, do not become complacent. Neither be cynical about cleanliness, for in the face of all disease and infection, it is as perennial as the seasons.
Take kindly to the counsel of scientists and doctors, gracefully surrendering your freedom of movement. Nurture knowledge to shield you in place. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of rumor and misinformation.
Beyond a mindful daily routine, be gentle with yourself. You are a citizen of the world, no less than the rich and powerful; you have a right to be alive. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt your self-confinement is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with physical distancing, acknowledging the effectiveness of the guidelines. And whatever your expectations for the eventual disappearance of the virus, trust in the strength of your resolve.
With all its risks, fragility and inconvenience, it is still a beautiful world.
Be grateful. Strive to be optimistic.
- Ron Crowcroft