In December 2021, Northwest Connecticut Arts Council received one of only two NEA American Rescue Plan Grants given to Local Arts Agencies in CT for the purpose of redistribution. Thanks to that funding, 19 grantees now share $110,000 to support their ongoing recovery from COVID-19 and an exciting era of growth and collaboration in Northwest CT. Grantees include nonprofits, units of state/local government, and artists, all dedicated to engaging communities in the arts in an accessible, equitable way. Continue reading for a complete list of grant recipients.
$10,000 - ASAP! - in collaboration with Kristin Twomey - teacher- and Torrington Middle School
$17,000 - Heidi Kirchofer - in collaboration with Christine Altman - artist - and the Town of Harwinton Parks and Recreation
$7,000 - The RiseUP Group - in collaboration with Winsted Childcare Center
$9,000 - Matin Malikzada - in collaboration with the Village Center for the Arts
$8,500 - Plymouth Parks & Recreation - in collaboration with the Town of Thomaston Parks and Recreation and Landmark Community Theatre
$10,000 - Pilobolus - in collaboration with the Warner Theatre
$5,000 - Karann Schaller - in collaboration with Julie Rego - designer - and Whiting Mills
$8,000 - Region #10 Schools Music Department - in collaboration with Nutmeg Symphony
$5,000 - Music Mountain
$2,500 - Grumbling Gryphons
$2,500 - Sherman Chamber Ensemble
$5,000 - Sharon Historical Society
$5,000 - Housatonic Valley Regional High School
$3,000 - Merryall Center
$3,000 - Bantam Cinema & Arts Center
$3,000 - Joyful Noise
$2,500 - Culture 4 A Cause
$1,500 - Licia & Mason Beekley Community Library
$2,500 - Village Center for the Arts