By Kathleen Hulser
April 20, 2022
Inside Mike McEwen’s white van lurks an amazing instrument, he calls “The Vibrational Awareness Chamber.” He parked in Cornwall Bridge last weekend and invited a small group of people to experience his creation, an intriguing cross between listening and body mindfulness. Constructed of salvaged brass horns, bugles and trumpets lashed to metal bed frames, the curious critter can be played. Tibetan singing bowls perch in the bells of the wind instruments, and there’s a drum, gongs, bell and clarinets. By striking and stroking these elements, players can set up a fugue of sounds that whisper, ring, toll and above all vibrate. Participants are invited into the van to perform on the reverberating chamber themselves. However, they can also hear McEwen improvise long slow progressions that emit waves of delicate sound. Bench seats and a couch allow people to lie down, close eyes and let sound roll through their bodies. Header Image: Mike McEwen performing on the Vibrational Awareness Chamber. Photo by Kathleen Hulser.