Our application can be accessed by clicking this
link. When you click the link, you will be directed to our online application portal where you will need to complete an eligibility screening and create an account before beginning your application. Watch the video below for a step-by-step tutorial of this process as well as an overview of the online application portal.
*Note: You will not be able to start your application using this link until August 1st, when applications open.
All primary applicants MUST identify at least one creative partner in their application. This collaborator is someone who is actively contributing to the planning, execution, and evaluation stages of the project/proposal. They must meet certain eligibility requirements. As the primary applicant, you will need to enter your partner's contact information in the "Creative Partner" section of our application. In doing so, you will automatically trigger an email to be sent to your partner. This email will contain instructions for your partner to complete their statement of support. *Note: Both the application and statement(s) of support are due by October 31, 2022. We cannot evaluate your proposal without the necessary information from your creative partner. As the primary applicant, you will receive an email when your partner has completed their statement of support.
New to the grant-writing process or just looking for some guidance to get you started? Watch this brief video for 10 quick grant-writing tips!