Bienestar Comunitario

NUESTRO enfoque en comunidades saludables

Los estudios han demostrado que las artes ayudan a las comunidades a comenzar a reconocer su propia identidad, cultura, tradiciones y el valor de trabajar juntos a nivel local. Son un medio para el diálogo público, contribuyen al desarrollo del aprendizaje creativo de una comunidad, proporcionan una herramienta poderosa para la movilización y el activismo de la comunidad, y ayudan a desarrollar la capacidad y el liderazgo. Las artes también son una herramienta poderosa para promover la salud mental. Ayudan a formar un sentido de conexión comunitaria, que es integral para la felicidad y la salud de nuestros vecinos.

Nuestros socios comunitarios

Lo último en bienestar comunitario

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NWCT Arts Council Announces UNICO Grant Recipients
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In Northwest Connecticut, safeguarding the right to public art is essential not only for preserving cultural heritage but also for fostering creativity and community engagement.
Research Study by Northwest CT Arts Council, 2022-2023
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The Northwest CT Arts Council presents research findings on post-COVID needs.
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Economic and Social Impact of $30,275,630 Nonprofit Arts and Culture Sector in Northwest Connecticut
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Katina Hungerford-McGrath of Torrington and Yonah Sadeh of Falls Village were selected by the NWCT Arts Council based on artistic excellence and their contributions to community development.
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A Walk Through Nature with Northwest CT's Creative Experts
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Northwest CT Arts Council: 2022 Annual Report
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Positive energy filled the air for the Second Annual Litchfield Hills Creative Festival on Saturday, August 20th!
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This project by Leadership Northwest Group #1 uses zines to help teenagers learn about mental health resources in Northwest Connecticut.
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If you visit the Norfolk Library or the Harwinton Public Library, you might notice that the card catalogs are no longer filled with information about books, but rather with packets on packets of vegetable and flower seeds. Header image: seed packets from the Norfolk Library's seed library. Photo by Kelly Kandra Hughes.
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